Norwalk, CT – City officials are working closely with partners at the state and federal levels, as well as partners in Norwalk, to monitor and respond to COVID-19, the 2019 novel Coronavirus. Statewide updates can be found online at ct.gov/coronavirus. Mayor Rilling provided the following Norwalk-area specific updates regarding COVID-19 coronavirus as of 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, 2020:
- Since yesterday, there are 20 new positive cases in Norwalk, bringing the total positive reported cases in Norwalk to 66. In Fairfield County, the number of new positive cases went from 384 to 546. The age and sex of these individuals will not be released. The public is asked to continue to take precautions as community spread is likely happening across the state.
- City officials have been communicating with retail businesses in Norwalk to stress the importance of social distancing. Mayor Rilling is happy to report that a majority of stores have implemented changes, such as opening every-other register, putting down tape or other optic cues for distancing six feet, and installing additional signage.
- Last night, the Norwalk Parking Authority voted to halt all parking fees for street, surface lots, and garages for the entire month of April. This follows Mayor Rilling’s March 18 order, which required pay-to-park requirements be waived for all City metered spaces until April 1.
- No more plots are being sold at the Fodor Farm Greenhouse due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who have already purchased a space and planted seedlings can still access the greenhouse. There is now a strict “one person only” rule for those entering the greenhouse until further notice. Those in violation will no longer be able to access the facility.
- The American Red Cross has an ongoing critical need due to Coronavirus pandemic. Blood drives are being held in the greater-Norwalk area in the days and weeks ahead. Find out more and schedule an appointment at redcrossblood.org.
- The weather tomorrow (March 26) appears to be dry and sunny. City officials strongly urge residents to stay home and limit their outdoor activities at public parks and beaches. If members of the public do use these facilities, they must adhere to the strict social distancing guidelines recommended by federal, state, and local health officials.
“I again ask residents to please be aware of their surroundings and be courteous to one another. We all love our beaches and parks, and at the moment those facilities remain open, but I really need the public’s help and cooperation in practicing social distancing and not congregating in groups if they are to stay open,” Mayor Rilling said. “We are all adjusting to this new normal and doing the best we can. Every day brings its new challenges and obstacles, but we will get through this as a stronger community. I thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding.”
Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the City’s CodeRED Emergency Alert Notification System at norwalkct.org/codered.
Updates on City services, hours, and community resources will be routinely published at norwalkct.org/citynews. The latest health updates can be found at norwalkct.org/coronavirus.