Norwalk, CT – City officials are working closely with partners at the state and federal levels, as well as partners in Norwalk, to monitor and respond to COVID-19, the 2019 novel Coronavirus. Statewide updates can be found online at ct.gov/coronavirus. Mayor Rilling provided the following Norwalk-area specific updates regarding COVID-19 coronavirus as of 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7, 2020:
- Since yesterday, there are 30 new positive cases in Norwalk, bringing the total positive reported cases in Norwalk to 625. There was also one new death reported. Now, a total of 21 Norwalk residents have died as a result of coronavirus. In Fairfield County, the number of new positive cases went from 3,719 to 4,136.
- City officials continue to visit grocery stores and other retailers to ensure adherence with Mayor Rilling’s and Governor Lamont’s orders about capacity and physical distancing. These checks are being done at random throughout Norwalk and without prior notice. More information can be found here.
- The City launched a dedicated page with information and resources for local businesses that might be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The site is routinely updated, and can be found at norwalkct.org/COVID19BusinessResources.
- The First District Water Department began performing its annual hydrant flushing on April 6. The work happens mainly during the day and may cause some temporary water discoloration. Click here for additional information.
- Yard Waste Collection is slated to begin the week of April 20, and during that week, the Yard Debris Site in Norwalk will be open with limited hours and reduced staffing. Tentatively, the Site will be open Tuesday, April 21 (Residents Only) from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; Wednesday, April 22, (Commercial Only) from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.; and Thursday, April 23 (Residents Only) from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. More information will be released next week.
“I am sad to report that another Norwalk resident has died of coronavirus. I offer my deepest and heartfelt sympathies to their family and friends during this difficult time. We know more cases and deaths are likely as this pandemic goes on, but that does not make the loss of a loved one any less difficult,” said Mayor Rilling. “We are working to ensure stores are following critical orders and doing everything possible to protect their customers. However, we cannot rely just on the stores – it is also up to the public to do their part. I know we are all feeling inconvenienced, but we must continue to make sacrifices if we are to limit the spread of coronavirus in our community.”
Members of the public are encouraged to sign-up for the City’s CodeRED Emergency Alert Notification System at norwalkct.org/codered.
Updates on City services, hours, and community resources will be routinely published at norwalkct.org/citynews. The latest health updates can be found at norwalkct.org/coronavirus.