A New You for the New Year with Help From Norwalk PL & the Norwalk Health Department

Norwalk, CT – Have you made a New Year’s resolution to become healthier in 2021? Whether your goal is to establish a healthier diet, get more exercise, reduce your stress, or lose weight, the Norwalk Public Library along with the Norwalk Health Department have some tips to help you succeed! Join them for “Healthy Resolutions,” on Tuesdays, beginning January 5, on Zoom, from 12 – 1 p.m. Register for Healthy Resolutions at: https://zoom.us/j/96493913851 Meeting ID: 964 9391 385
New for 2021, the library will sponsor Cardio Dance with Linda Lombardo on Tuesdays, January 12, 26 and February 9, 23, on Zoom, from 12 noon – 1 p.m. Dance off all those holiday calories with Dance Cardio, for people at all activity levels. Work your heart and tone your muscles at this fun, low-impact dance class. Sneakers and comfortable exercise clothes are all you need. Register by contacting Cynde Lahey at clahey@norwalkpl.org, to receive the Zoom link for the program.
The Healthy Resolutions program will focus on a different healthy resolution and skills each week. Each session includes useful information, group discussion, and the skills building you need to kick start a healthier 2021.
Week 1 (January 5): Goal Setting
Learn how to make realistic and actionable goals, no matter what your resolutions look like for 2021.
Week 2 (January 19): Reducing Stress
Learn about the signs of stress and expand your stress management toolkit.
Week 3 (February 2): Physical Activity
Learn ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life.
Week 4 (February 16): Cook Along with Carly Smolick, RD, CDN
Join us for a live, virtual cooking class.
For additional information, please contact Vicki Oatis, Director of Youth Library Services, at voatis@norwalkpl.org.