Here’s some good news in an otherwise crazy world we’ve been living in. Everyone is invited to join a free Virtual Dance Party, live on Facebook, tonight, Saturday, March 21, from 6:30 to 7 p.m. EST in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day.
Joe Agostino, a 24-year-old graduate of Norwalk High School Sacred Heart University RISE Program and a participant at STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way, is pursuing his dream of being a DJ. With the support of a recent grant from the State of CT Dept. of Developmental Services and with mentorship of STAR staff member and musician, Mark Minnock, Joe’s career launched with gigs that have stretched from coast to coast. With a calendar that was rapidly filling up for the spring season, Joe now finds himself, like most businesses, waiting for the COVID-19 crisis to pass.
With his unbridled energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to music, friendship, fun and inclusion, Joe has created an “in-home” studio from which to broadcast a free Virtual Dance Party, live on Facebook, tonight from 6:30 to 7 p.m. EST in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day. When asked about his idea, Joe shared, “I was inspired by a video that a friend shared with me about a DJ in Austin, TX, DJ Mel, who is hosting great virtual living room dance parties. I knew it was something that I would like to try to do for my friends to make them smile and dance again. I thought World Down Syndrome Day would be a perfect day for me to give it a try.” Anyone interested in joining the DJ Joe’s Share the Love Virtual Dance Party tonight can find it on DJ Joe’s Facebook page: @djjoegetdown. For more information about DJ Joe – www.djjoe.info.
STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way is a nonprofit organization established in 1952 to serve individuals of all ages who are impacted by intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Fairfield County (including Down syndrome and Autism), as well as providing support services to their families. STAR creates opportunities for individuals to live full lives with independence, freedom of choice and personal growth by providing support, services and advocacy. STAR informs and encourages the community to recognize and appreciate the value of all individuals. STAR is the only affiliated chapter of The Arc in Fairfield County. The Arc is an advocacy and informational agency benefiting people with intellectual disabilities on state and national levels. For more information about STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way – www.starct.org.