CT Social Equity Council Announces $6 Million in Grant Funding To Support Community Reinvestment Pilot Program


HARTFORD, CT – Connecticut’s Social Equity Council (SEC) today announced that its awarding $6 million in grants through a Community Reinvestment Pilot Program. This funding will support 6 organizations across Connecticut to be used for the purposes of developing, expanding, and supporting programs that uplift communities and strengthen families disproportionately impacted by the “War on Drugs”.

The third-party grant managers will administer reinvestment funds derived from Connecticut’s adult-use cannabis industry. Funding will be used exclusively for Reentry/Reintegration programs that support formerly incarcerated individuals and their families, and for Youth Education, Recreation and Arts programs that help promote physical and mental health wellness and empower young people in the future workforce.

“We are excited to give back to communities affected for so long by the failed war on drugs,” said Ginne-Rae Clay, SEC Executive Director. “This pilot program and first round of funding is intended to have a direct and immediate benefit to DIA communities and residents that are most vulnerable, our youth who are really struggling right now, and the reentry population who have probably been harmed the most. Providing financial support to programs that uplift and serve DIA communities will help alleviate some of the burden of those who have been carrying the weight of the devastating impacts of this war. We look forward to seeing the results of this funding and working to provide relief in other DIA communities very soon.”

“This program is a great example of how the SEC can empower and uplift residents that have been on the economic sidelines for too long,” said Paul O. Robertson, Chair of the SEC. “Through this investment, we are providing the support services needed to prepare residents for reentry, expanding enrichment programming for our younger populations, and more broadly expanding our workforce talent pool—both now and in the future.”

The grant recipients under this inaugural round of funding includes:

Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury Inc. – $1,000,000
United Way of Western CT Inc. – $1,000,000
The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut Inc. – $1,000,000
The Prosperity Foundation Inc. – $1,000,000
United Way of Coastal Fairfield County – $1,000,000
The Hispanic Federation Inc. – $1,000,000

These third-party grant managers will receive, review, and recommend grant applications to the Social Equity Council for approval.

Additional information on the Community Reinvestment Pilot Program can be found online here.

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