BRIDGEPORT, CT – Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo today announced plans to temporarily close the Zoo, effective Tuesday, March 17, as a public health precaution. All education and public programs are cancelled or postponed. The City of Bridgeport and state of Connecticut leaders have called on businesses to close to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 following declarations of public health emergencies in Connecticut and the United States.
While there have been no known cases of exposure to COVID-19 at the Zoo, the decision to close was made to further support efforts to reduce the rapid spread of the virus and to protect the health and well-being of Zoo staff and the community. During this period when the Zoo is closed, essential animal care and operations staff will continue to provide care for our animals without disruption. For the past weeks, we have developed plans to ensure our animals will be well cared for in the event of a disruption to regular operations.
Zoo leadership will continue to monitor developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and follow guidance from federal, state, and local authorities to determine when the Zoo will reopen. Please visit the Zoo’s website at www.beardsleyzoo.org for updates.