The Greenwich Senior Center is thankful to Courtnay’s Kitchen for cooking fresh, delicious meals in their kitchen and delivering them to Greenwich Seniors- the most vulnerable of all.
Over 100 Thanksgiving meals were cooked, packed, and delivered by Courtnay’s Kitchen, along with many worker bees.
Courtnay Arpano, a native North Carolinian, grew-up in a family of cooks and entertainers where southern hospitality was (and still is) the name of the game.
With a culinary degree from L’Academie de Cuisine and a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Food Studies from New York University, Courtnay founded Courtnay’s Kitchen, 136 Hamilton Avenue, Greenwich, CT.
“Lend a hand to the elders in your life,” Courtnay says, “…the older neighbor…aging relative…find them. They are out there and they need us now!”