City of Stamford provides free smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for residents


STAMFORD, CT – In a continuing effort to make Stamford homes safe, the City of Stamford and the Stamford Fire Department are making smoke and carbon monoxide detectors available to residents who need them.

Mayor Caroline Simmons, the Director of Public Safety Ted Jankowski, and Fire Chief Trevor Roach along with Stamford Fire Units were on location this week on Highland Road and Terrace Place installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for residents in need.

The NFPA recommends that homes be equipped with working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an invisible, odorless, tasteless gas that can cause sudden illness and death. It is produced when fossil fuels do not burn completely or are exposed to heat. Common household appliances are often sources of CO and must be properly maintained and ventilated.

Each year, 3,500 people die in home fires with more than 15,000 people injured. Every year, more than 400 people die because of carbon monoxide poisoning and more than 20,000 people visit the emergency room. Most of these deaths and injuries occur in homes that don’t have working smoke or carbon monoxide detection.

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are required in all dwellings by code and by local ordinance. The local ordinance requires all single- and two-family houses to have operating smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed within each individual dwelling unit.

Detectors are required to be located as follows:

  • A smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector shall be located on the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the vicinity of bedrooms.
  • A smoke detector shall be in each room used for sleeping purposes.
  • A smoke detector shall be in each story within a dwelling unit, including basements but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics; in dwellings or dwelling units with split levels and without an intervening door between the adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level is less than one full story below the upper level.


“Having properly working smoke and carbon monoxide detection is vital to protecting our residents from fire and carbon monoxide poisoning,” said Mayor Caroline Simmons. “The Stamford Fire Department’s Smoke and Carbon Monoxide installation program provides these important devices to residents which helps to protect and improve resident safety.”

“I have seen many serious injuries and deaths related to fire and carbon monoxide incidents,” said Ted Jankowski, Director of Public Safety. “Properly installed and maintained smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can alert individuals and families 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide for a safe escape.”

The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. High levels of CO inhalation can cause loss of consciousness and death.

“There are steps residents can take to help protect themselves and their households from fire and CO poisoning,” said Fire Chief Trevor Roach. “Residents should change or check the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors every six months. If you don’t have a current working smoke and/or carbon monoxide detector, please call the 911 communications nonemergency number at 203-977-5555 or go to the Stamford Fire Department’s website at”

As we are prepare for hurricane season, residents are also reminded that when power outages occur after severe weather, such as winter storms or hurricanes, using alternative sources of power can cause CO to build-up in a home and poison the people and animals inside.

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